What Virgin Pulp & Mixed Pulp Tissue?

What Virgin Pulp & Mixed Pulp Tissue?

Virgin Pulp and Mixed Pulp

Pulp is a clean, wood-based raw material. It is used to manufacture paper and various paper-based products while making them truly sustainable bio products at the same time.

Virgin pulp and mixed pulp are two types of pulps that are used to manufacture our tissue paper. Virgin pulp is produced by chemically or mechanically separating cellulose fibers from woods or fiber crops. 100% virgin pulp means that it does not contain any recycled content and is made directly of the pulp of trees or cotton. This kind of paper is also considered to be high-quality paper.

Mixed pulp on the other hand is a mixture of virgin pulp and recycled paper depending on the quantity of the mix. Recycled paper is made of used paper which has been processed by chemicals, so the inks and other unwanted elements will be removed. Recycled pulp is safe to use as a raw material in paper manufacturing. Most facial tissues and toilet tissues commonly contain 100% recycled pulp and in many other grades. Recycled pulp is the kind of paper that was made from paper and paper products that have been used before and recovered.

The production of recycled pulp is harder and relatively more expensive than the production of virgin pulp. Usually, the production of virgin pulp consists of three steps which are logging, milling and distribution. On the other hand, the production of recycled pulp has more steps which are paper collection and recovery, pulping and dink. These steps take more time and require more money. And another fun fact is that recycling pulp was once much more cheaper than virgin pulp products, but after people start reusing their paper before recycling them, used paper collection dropped significantly, reducing recycling paper production thus making it more expensive than usual. But in order to keep our green areas alive and decrease environmental pollution, we need to recycle and use papers made of recycled pulp.

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